We’ve been asked recently if we’d run some cycle speed dating events. Simply, speed dating events especially for people that cycle. As always, we’re keen on running new and innovative speed dating events designed to appeal to people with common interests so naturally the answer was yes.
There’s no doubt that’s cycling in London is bigger than ever. In fact, my extensive research (a quick Google) showed that there’s now 30,000 people cycling to work every day in London. That’s not to mention the tens, if not hundreds of thousands more who cycle for fun at weekends. And the rest who, like me, hop on a Boris bike occasionally when the mood takes us. That’s certainly a big pool of potential daters.
So, cycle speed dating. Does favouring two wheeled transport mean people have a better chance of hitting it off? We honestly have no idea but we’re willing to give it a try. Readers of this blog, please let us know if you would be interested in our forthcoming cycle speed dating event. We’re a friendly lot so please send us an email and given enough interest we’ll book in a date for the first one.
We’d see cycle speed dating working pretty much in the same way as our standard speed dating events. 30-40 people in a room with that all important 50:50 male/female ratio. A nice bar setting and probably some decent cycle racks in the nearby streets too. Dates lasting four minutes over a few drinks and access to our unique post event matching app, Mixeo.
After the event you’ll be able to message the people you mutually matched with via the app. Have more dates, get married, have Children etc. etc.
So, please drop us a line if this seems like something you’d like to do and we’ll make it happen.
For the rest of our event programme, click here.