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Home Code of conduct


Original Dating events are designed to create a place for decent, honest and respectful singles to meet each other face to face. This Code of Conduct serves as a guide to ensure attendees can enjoy a fun and welcoming environment while meeting new people. By attending our events, you agree you will abide by these guidelines.

A TL;DR summary: Our events are about sparking offline connections in a fun, enjoyable way. We expect everyone to behave well and be kind and respectful to everyone they meet. We don't tolerate anyone who behaves badly at our events. We ban quickly and permanently if required. If deemed necessary we will involve the police without hesitation. Our team and venues have the authority to ban individuals at their discretion and decisions are final. Basically, just be on your best behaviour! 

Core Principles

Communication and Behavior

Honesty and Authenticity

Respect and Consent

Safety and Wellbeing


The following actions may result in immediate removal from the event:


Alert event staff immediately if you witness or experience violations of our code of conduct. 

All reports will be handled confidentially and investigated promptly.

Additional Guidelines

The organisers reserve the right to remove any attendee from the event for violations of this code of conduct, without refund. Serious violations may result in being banned from future events and or reporting to police.  

By attending our singles events, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by this Code of Conduct.




The beauty of Speed Dating London lies in its no-nonsense approach. You take an equal number of single girls and guys, put them in a room and give them a few minutes to chat with every other member of the opposite sex.

When you get there

Original speed dating events in London normally begin at 7.30pm. You will need to register with our hosts and to begin with they will issue you with a score sheet. This will help you to keep track of the singles that you would like to meet again and perhaps go on a date with. After a short period of mingling, your host for the evening who will run through detailed instructions and give you your starting position if you are a guy or table for the event if you are a girl.

Meet & Mingle

A London speed dating event is split into two halves, each lasting around an hour, there will be an interval at half time of about 15 minutes for speed dating London. You will have between 4 and 5 minutes with each person, after which you need to tick a box on your score sheet - "yes, I would like to meet this person again" or "no. Thanks but no thanks". Or "friend" if you'd like to get to know them platonically. Make sure that you do this after each date to keep track. Afterwards there is an opportunity for everyone to meet and mingle informally - this is often where the real action begins, so make sure you don't disappear too quickly!

Complete your score sheet

After the event you simply tick who you liked on the Original Dating website and the site works about your matches automatically. If the dates you have ticked as a "yes" have reciprocated you have a match. You will be able to view the first names and message them via our site online without revealing your email address until you are ready to. You'll be having proper first dates in no time.