You'll find speed dating taking place all across the UK
We specialise in speed dating London so if you're looking to find a London speed dating event please click here to be directed to our forthcoming events. We're now expanding our programme of events further afield in the UK read on to find out where.
Speed dating first started in the UK in the early 2000's and most events took place in London. After a while, we saw speed dating expand to other regions across the country so please find these pages a useful guide to where speed dating events may be taking place today.
We've compiled this page to help you find speed dating and other dating events all across the UK.
Speed Dating in London
We're London's No.1 speed dating company because we organise speed dating in more areas in the capital than anyone else. Click here to find out more about the areas you can find our speed dating events in London.
Speed Dating in the UK
You might be looking for speed dating out of London so we've put together a helpful index of places where speed dating takes places. Find out more about the regions where you might find opportunities to speed date in the UK.
Speed Dating towns
Certain towns in the UK are known to hold speed dating events. It's usually larger towns and cities where these events take place so you might be interested to look at some information we've put together that will help you decide on which UK town to try speed dating in.
Speed Dating counties
You might be looking for speed dating at a wider county level and that's just fine because you'll find a decent list of counties where speed dating is happening right here.
Original Dating has been organising quality, stylish UK speed dating events in London for the past few years and have learnt a lot about what it takes to run a successful event. Our brand of UK speed Dating stands alone from the competition in many ways. We have watched countless companies start up and fail as they have underestimated what it takes to run a successful speed dating event in the UK.