The eagle eyed amongst you might have realised we've recently overhauled the Original Dating website. On the surface the design was changed and under the skin we've introduced a number of features that make everything work that little bit better. It was perhaps touch overdue, the previous version had been largely untouched since our launch.
One of the new features we introduced was this blog. To my knowledge we're the only speed dating company to have a blog and it was my intention to make it more than just a mouthpiece for promoting our events. I wanted to include interesting dating tips that we'd picked up over the years. Guest articles from our clients, perhaps also reviews of London bars, restaurants and attractions and more. I wanted to make this something of interest to most Londoners and not just singles looking for events.
The trouble is when you introduce a new website there's often bugs, fixes and other things you have to address so regretfully the blog went on the back burner. Anyway, I'm pleased to report the site is now running as we want it so we can now focus on making this blog what we intended it to be.
From now on you'll see several posts a week so please keep on checking back to see what we're up to. You might also want to follow us on Twitter or like us Facebook to be notified of updates.
If you want to write for us we'd be delighted to hear from you.