Introducing Literary speed dating
First event: Tuesday March 10, 2014 - Nordic, W1
Up to 20 four minute dates. Bring a book. Discuss a book. Discuss each other. Date again?
Dating can be daunting at the best of times. Trying to explain who you are while finding out about your date in four minutes even more so. But judging a date by the cover of their book - and what they think about it - can be both revealing and brilliant fun. Is murder mystery for morons? Is Russian Literature for lovers? It's entirely up to you.
Using our ground breaking app Mixeo, or for the more analogue, a note sheet, make notes on who you meet marking them as a bibliophilic beau, a platonic peruser or a narrational numpty and let our software do the rest.
If your match reciprocates, you can indulge in lexicographical love, lust or lunch through our online messaging system, only revealing your email address and taking things beyond the first chapter when you feel comfortable.
WHAT? The UK's first regular Literary Speed Dating
WHEN? March 10th, 2015, 7:30pm
WHERE? Nordic Bar, 25 Newman Street, London, W1T 1PN
HOW TO BOOK? Click here