There are some very successful dating bloggers out there at the moment. But I was recently party to a twitter conversation between 2 such bloggers in which they lamented the possibility that they may in fact meet someone, at which stage their blogging career would effectively end.
However, even those dating blogs that do end provide a fantastic overview of the search for love, lust or whatever. You have, stored for all electronic eternity, an entire journey from singledom to eventual coupledom. But rather than search google for ‘dating bloggers in relationships’ I recommend joining one such individual mid search. Updates become a little like an online interactive sitcom. And yes it can seem slightly perverse to follow the dating rituals of a complete stranger but it’s a public forum.
So to help you along, here’s a list of dating bloggers we’re particularly fond of.
30 Dates
The now justifiably famous blog of Charly Lester, who began her blogging life with a spur of the moment Facebook post that led her to go on thirty blind dates before she turned thirty.
She now writes for pretty much everyone, founded the UK Dating Awards last year and is also the global head of dating for Time Out.
In other words, she knows her stuff.
My Place or Yours?
This wonderfully titled blog details the dating travails of Janey Heathly, a London based twenty something.
The beauty of the blog lies not only in Janey’s writings but she has an innovative Calendar detailing what she’s up to over the coming months and – this is the brilliant bit – where there is nothing on readers can invite her out. Needless to say we’ve dragged her along to a couple of our events and we certainly feel all the better for it.
She recently featured in Time Out and is in increasing demand as a guest blogger so definitely one to watch.
Lara Loveless
A very slick, fantastically written blog from a self-described ‘twenty-something dating disaster’.
Really entertaining, wonderfully thought out and content ranges from personal experience, reader advice, news… It’s just a great read with something for everyone.
The blog was also shortlisted for the 2014 dating Awards Best New Blog and, rather than simply being a blog about dating, it’s more a broad overview of a single girls life in London.
Laura Yates
Not technically a dating blog but Laura fills a necessary hole in the dating advice sector.
Laura is a relationship coach and writer and her blog focusses primarily on dealing with break ups and rejection. It’s all wonderfully self-affirming and not only includes advice for individuals trying to cope with the end of relationships – and help t hem regain confidence to date again - she also provides guidance for friends of those experiencing such trauma.
The site is clearly navigable, the advice spot on, and the whole feel of the site is one of professional optimism which, given the testimonies Laura has received, seems to be spot on.
It would be interesting to see how traditional dating blogs would change if they read Laura’s advice first!
Obviously there are plenty of dating blogs out there on the old interwebs and non-inclusion here is not a measure of quality. If you know any that deserve a mention drop us a line and we’ll happily have a look. In the meantime, have a browse of our favourites here and let us know what you think.