Gentlemen of London, this city needs you. Yes YOU! The single one with the face and stuff.
I’m the first to declare that men are not from Mars and women are not from Venus. And yet there are some glaring behavioural differences – albeit socially constructed – between the sexes.
It’s one of these differences I’m going to identify now and I’m calling on the single men of London to step forth and be counted in discarding this discrepancy to the dustbin of history.
You see, when it comes to booking events women almost always book a few weeks in advance. Men, on the other hand, tend to leave it to the last minute until a final flurry results in the number of guys and girls becoming equal.
I have a theory that it relates closely to the ways in which we achieve orgasm but this is neither the time nor the place to indulge in such biosocioanthropological ramblings.
Instead this is a call to action. Gentlemen, we have 4 more sleeps until our wildly extravagant Spring Fling Party. The girls places are almost all sold out. The smart, savvy men about town are snapping up the remnants of the guys tickets.
Act before it’s too late! Book your Spring Fling Party tickets now and meet up to 300 singles in one evening and help stop me SHOUTING VIA THE INTERNET AND OVERUSING EXCLAMATION MARKS!
Click here NOW!
See you on Saturday you cool dashing fella you.
Gentlemen of London, this city needs you. Yes YOU!
Tuesday April 7, 2015