When it comes to food, there are a couple of classic items that everyone generally accepts assist in boosting the libido. Chocolate, chillies, oysters, asparagus…
But if you’re not in the mood for spicy chocolate dipped bi-valves that make your pee smell funny, and if you fancy something a little more summery there are some readily available options that won’t break the bank.
So here are my top 5 erotically energising summer foods.
1. Watermelon
These oversized balls of deliciousness are the perfect go to food to share. The main reason is a chemical called citrulline. Citruline aids the production of nitric oxide. Why is this a good thing? Nitric oxide is a major factor in controlling the body’s respiratory system.
Basically, it dilates your blood vessels so more blood rushes to your extremities. Swelling lips, slightly flushed cheeks, more oxygen… You get the picture.
And make sure you eat the white part of the fruit. It’s where most of the citrulline is.
Warning: No jokes about how nice someones 'melons' are.
2. Seeds
Not just any seeds of course. I’d suggest pumpkin and sesame. Both contain high levels of zinc which aids production of testosterone and reduces incidences of depression. In short, it improves the libido.
Pumpkin seeds are great raw and sesame seeds can be sprinkled in pretty much anything but for my money it’s hummus all the way baby.
Warning: Never discuss the health of your seed with anyone but your GP.
3. Leafy Greens
Herbs such as parsley and coriander and larger greens such as spinach and the increasingly trendy kale are our go to guys here. Lots of chlorophyll which purifies the blood, in turn increasing blood flow, and we all know what that’s good for.
Plus, they’re great sources of fat-soluble vitamins which balance the body’s acidity levels and increase energy.
Just don’t over-cook them as this tends to destroy much of their goodness. Raw or steamed is ideal.
Warning: Pre date teeth check required.
4. Nuts
We all know nuts are a great source of slow release energy but they join watermelon in being brilliant in helping the production of nitric oxide. This is due to high amounts of L-arginine. Once more it’s all about increased blood flow. If its walnuts you go for, you have the added bonus of large amounts of omega-3, another fat essential to a healthy cardiovascular system.
Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and pecans are the best of this bunch. Sprinkle them on your cereal first thing in the morning.
Warning: Check your teeth before leaving the house. Never ask someone if they'd like to sample your nuts.
5. Salmon
Okay so salmon ca be a little prices, but the good thing is it’s so jam packed with goodness you really don’t need much to reap the benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids abound so that‘s the cardiovascular system rebooted and also helps your cell walls remain flexible. Please no jokes about escaping prison.
These fatty acids also reduce inflammation (Ibuprofen with fins) and prevent excessive clotting of the blood (aspirin with um… fins).
To get the most out of salmon lightly grill or poach, but there’s so much goodness here that just looking at them in the supermarket makes you feel better.
If salmon isn’t your thing try halibut, mackerel or tuna.
So there you have it. Healthy, sexy and potentially life-saving foods that could just improve your dating potential.
Warning: No jokes about the aromatic potential of fish.
Of course, none of this is worth anything if you’re not getting out there meeting people.
So get yourself and your newly healthy body along to one of our events. You’re guaranteed to meet someone you’ll want to see again.
Just maybe don’t offer someone your nuts on the first date.