We organise the most popular dating events in London. Hundreds of people join us for each party and, with the help of our unique icebreaker formula, countless connections are made that lead to many, many dates and from there dozens of relationships begin.
If you're single in London and you don't want to be - don't reach for the online dating sites and swipe apps - they simply do not work. Join us, and hundreds of other people at one of our hugely successful parties. They take place across London every few weeks throughout the year.
Here's some shots taken at our recent Christmas Party to give you a flavour of what to expect. Over 300 people joined us at this party and we had a perfect 50:50 male to female ratio. We provide a fun and highly effective icebreaker and the rest happens all by itself. Dating can only really happen offline so why not start in the real world.
Check out our event listings for the next one and book your place, you won't be disappointed!
Meeting people in London is easy when you just know where to look.