So a lot of the Netflix catalogue seems to be films previously released or old TV shows from both sides of the pond but some are shows that wont be shown on British TV, which I must say is a bonus. Now the downside is that America churn out TV shows faster than they print dollars, therefore over 50% is absolute garbage. But now and again they can produce some absolute gems, some of which without Netflix we wouldn’t be able to watch, well legally anyway.
So what are these gems I’m talking about?
Netflix have also been a bit hit and miss with their Original series’ but their latest Star Trek: Discovery is a direct hit, square in the bullseye. Now this series airs on American TV so Netflix have decided to drip-feed the Brits it episode at a time as if on TV. Which means we don’t have to wait or illegally stream it but at the same time it means we cant binge and watch the whole series in a whole weekend. Anyway we get a new episode every Monday and so far I’ve watched two now before you go and say well how does he know its any good, all I can tell you is, it has me hooked. It has a strong female lead, the writing is clever and true to the original beliefs that Gene Roddenberry (sorry for going full Geek on you). Trust me, watch it and you will be hooked just as much as I am.
Another American show which Netflix have decided to release weekly although not a Netflix Original is Rick and Morty. This is the best cartoon to come out of America since Family Guy or even maybe the Simpson’s. There is already 2 series available to binge on before you catch up to the 3rd series that’s currently being aired in the States. Rick and Morty if you don’t know is this insane cartoon of a Grandfather and Grandson’s crazy adventures, who have a relationship a bit like that of Doc and Marty McFly from Back to the Future, which is where they have got the name from. If you haven’t watched it yet then I suggest you give it a whirl, but this might not be to everyone’s taste although you wont know till you try.
Finally Gotham is another great American TV show to hit the British shores. With Marvel churning out film after film and some top class TV series as well it’s about time DC caught up. Now not that DC has too much involvement with the show, the characters are of course based on their Comic Superhero Batman. Gotham is more of an origin story for the characters, with Bruce Wayne only a young teenager and therefore not yet Batman. Think Smallville (the Superman early years) but better. It concentrates around a young detective Gordon on his journey to becoming commissioner and has 3 full series for you to enjoy.
Not all American TV is utter crap, and these three promise to keep you glued to the screen for a good few months, and I assure you that it wont be a waste of time.
Stuart is one of our regular hosts and over the years has become something of an expert in dating. Watch out for his regular posts full of dating tips and advice.