So Dating Against Humanity happened last night and it's safe to say as far as world first's go, it was a blinder! I don’t even know where to begin, so let's start at the start. I've been running events for 4 years now but never have I been so nervous about running an event as I was last night. Dating Against Humanity was my little brain child, so naturally as any parent would, I was anxious as if it was his first day of school or when he goes off to college. I use the term nervous, but I was just buzzing with all sorts of excitement and anticipation. So much so, I forgot to even put the cards on the table. Anyway enough of the overly proud dad routine, let's talk about last night and get down to the nitty gritty!
Dating Against Humanity was a sold out event and it didn't take long for laughter and that other sort of 'I shouldn't be laughing at this but I am' laughter to fill the air. The night on a whole was a huge success and the immediate feedback on the night was hugely positive. We also had some lovely emails this morning with glowing reviews.
What I found so great about last night was not only how much fun it was but the fact that you found out more about someone by playing cards against humanity than you would've from sitting them down and grilling them. I don’t think anyone even really mentioned what people did for a living and at the end of the day that’s not what's important but how people are socially compatible. In short it was just a fantastic night, a hugely sociable evening and a great atmosphere!
It's safe to say Dating Against Humanity is the future! This is going to revolutionise dating events and change the way we meet new people forever. If you missed last night, don’t worry, there's going to be plenty more Dating Against Humanity events!
Stuart is one of our regular hosts and over the years has become something of an expert in dating. Watch out for his regular posts full of dating tips and advice.